Recipe Box and Food Focus
Recipe Box

Create, display and manage recipes, your own or from other healthy home cooks, within your DPR Members Zone. As a DPR Member you can submit your recipe, view your recipe nutrition panel, make changes for a healthier recipe and add to your digital recipe box in your DPR Members Zone. Submit healthy and flavorful recipes and build your own healthier recipe box. You can also become your own recipe and cookbook designer!
Food Focus

How you engage with food, your current habits, taste preferences along with methods of cooking are explored in Food Focus. We believe that ingredients do matter. Dining out and Traveling with Food Choices are also given a closer look to help with tips to continue making progress as you up your daily healthier lifestyle. We want you to get and stay inspired. Food knowledge is powerful. Let it fuel you to your goal! Explore in more detail with membership status in the DPR Reset Zone.
Learn more about "healthy meals" and how recipes that you have influence in selecting, creating or changing, do make a difference in your health profile and achieving ideal weight maintenance for life!
Get Inspired to Up Your Healthier Lifestyle!
Week in a Day Meals
Slimmer Favorites
DPR Reset Zone Members can submit recipes and view full nutrition values based on Serving Size.