Exercise Smart; create your daily and effective exercise plan!
10 minutes of Smart HIIT everyday works!
Yes, smart and not hard, is the focus of any consistent exercise routine. I say routine because it benefits the best of your health every day. Habits are something you do without thinking about them and positive habits add to the quality of your health and well-being.
Looking at your balance ball or exercise bike with the: "I will get to that later” thought really does get old and it usually leads to "tomorrow". Not having enough time is one excuse not to execute your plan. Choose daily to pursue a fitness habit and change up your health to reach your dream vision of the fit you that you believe is deep within you.
So habit up and ditch the "I will get to it later line". As for smart, work with your metabolism to get fit and stay fit for life. Check out our metabolism fit moves to work your fat loss the smarter not harder way.